ケンジントン英会話 西新校 - 初心者が確実に伸びる

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オフィスでのVote with your feetとその意味【ビジネス英会話】

今週のレッスントピックは“Changes” で、本当の意味での変化を生むのに最適な方法の一つが “Vote with your feet.” です。









ということで、私はこの件については“Vote with your feet”する必要はありませんね!

[English version]

This week’s topic is “Changes” and one of the best ways to bring real change is to “vote with your feet.” This means that you express your opinions through your actions. Don’t just talk about what you believe in, but take action so your behavior matches your words! For example, some companies are not so environmentally friendly and want their employees to use lots of paper in the office. Most employees may say they don’t like this. However, you “vote with your feet” by not using paper (or using much less) and finding a better way.

 For example, you could start making e-documents and share them with their co-workers. Or perhaps he or she starts using cloud-based services. Voting with your feet is so powerful because it encourages other people to do the same, and also it shows the company a better way of operating. 

Luckily, here at Kensington we are very environmentally friendly! This blog is a great example of how we communicate without using paper. So I don’t need to vote with my feet on this issue!