ケンジントン英会話 西新校 - 初心者が確実に伸びる

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【講師ブログ - Jaimie】スコットランドの小さな町、オバーン


私の地元が人気なのは、国内外からの旅行客などに大人気のウェスタンアイル(アウター・ヘブリディーズ)に一番近い町だからです。オーバンで有名なのは、ウィスキー(内緒ですが私は好きじゃないです)、ものすごくインテリでハンサムな男性の多さ、そして時々Gaelic Modの開催地になることです。




[English version]

Hello everyone,

Today I’ll introduce you to my hometown. I am from a very small town called Oban which is in the northwest of Scotland. It is a nice little town, if a little boring sometimes, the main industry is tourism so for a town of about 8000 people we have a lot of bars and restaurants, about 40, and countless hotels, bed and breakfasts, and youth hostels. In the summer when the tourist season really starts, the population of the town goes up to 25,000 and stays that way for most of the season. 

My hometown is popular because it is the easiest way to get to the Western Isles which are really popular with foreign and domestic travellers alike. 

Oban is famous for its whisky ( which I secretly don’t like), it has a high concentration of very intelligent handsome men,  and it also holds the Gaelic Mod from time to time. You may not know this but Scotland was not originally an English- speaking country. Though everyone speaks English now, we have our own language known as Gaelic and although the language is pretty much dying out in Scotland there are a few people who can speak it fluently and some words are still alive in the local dialect. The Mod is an annual competition of Gaelic song, literature, and arts. I think the northwest of Scotland is really one of the most beautiful places I’ve been to and is really worth a visit if you are looking for a relaxing holiday. There isn’t a lot to do there unless you like fishing or hillwalking but it is spectacularly beautiful and the people are friendly too! I recommend the summer though because my country is not known for its wonderful weather. As one of my Australian friends who lived there for a while commented  “Sunshine can only be found in the pub!”
