「Play Hardball」ってどういう意味?硬式野球?! - 手加減しない、強硬手段をとる【ビジネス英会話】


使えるフレーズ|Play Hardball(強硬手段をとる、手加減しない)


ブログ記事 「Bend the rules」はどういう意味?例文つきで解説 - 規則を曲げる【日常英会話】」 で、私の息子が電話やゲームの時間に関して「bending the rules(ルールを曲げている)」と述べましたが、残念ながら今も何も変わっていないので、「play hardball(強硬手段をとる)」で、彼を1ヶ月間外出禁止にすることにしました!

今日は、「play hardball」の意味についてもう少しお話しします。

「play hardball」の意味

「play hardball」とは攻撃的かつ冷酷に行動することを意味します。つまり、「強硬手段をとる」「手加減しない」と言いたい時に使います。下記の例文のように使うことができます。

It's only a month before the election, and I'm sure they'll start to play hardball.
(選挙まであと 1 か月しかありません。そして彼らはきっと強硬手段をとり始めるでしょう。)


「play hardball」は、1970年代に攻撃的な行動を意味するようになりました。

DICTIONARY.COM:play hardball

「play hardball」を使った例文



  • My boss treats all of us very kindly but when it comes to negotiating wage rises he is always ready to play hardball.

  • One of our major clients is playing hardball on prices. I’m not sure how much leeway I have to play hardball back.

  • The US administration has been criticising China over her hardball stance on Taiwan’s independence.

「play hardball」と類似したフレーズ

ケンジントン英会話西新校:「Play Hardball」ってどういう意味?類似フレーズ「Face off」「Take the gloves off」

類似したフレーズに「Face off」と「Take the gloves off」があります。

Face off(直接対決、にらみ合い、対立する)

It’s such a shame about James and Laura’s divorce. It seemed to be going rather amicably but now they are facing off about how to divide their property.

Take the gloves off(本気で立ち向かう)

The match started really slowly but now that the Lakers have a 20 point lead it seems the Mets have started to take the gloves off and play the way we are used to seeing them.


この記事では「play hardball」の意味や例文、類似するフレーズをご紹介しました。

「play hardball」とは、攻撃的かつ冷酷に行動すること。つまり、強硬手段をとる、手加減をしないという意味。


  • Face off

  • Take the gloves off




[English version]

Hello there everyone, in another blog I mentioned that my son had been “bending the rules” when it came to phone and game time and unfortunately nothing has changed so it’s time for me to “play hardball” and ground him for the month! Today, let’s talk a little more about what playing hardball actually means.


To act aggressively and ruthlessly, as in It's only a month before the election, and I'm sure they'll start to play hardball. This term originated in baseball, where it alludes to using the standard ball as opposed to the slightly larger and minimally softer ball of softball. It was transferred to describe aggressive behaviour only in the 1970s.



  • My boss treats all of us very kindly but when it comes to negotiating wage rises he is always ready to play hardball.

  • One of our major clients is playing hardball on prices. I’m not sure how much leeway I have to play hardball back.

  • The US administration has been criticising China over her hardball stance on Taiwan’s independence.

Similar Expressions

Face off

It’s such a shame about James and Laura’s divorce. It seemed to be going rather amicably but now they are facing off about how to divide their property.

Take the gloves off

The match started really slowly but now that the Lakers have a 20 point lead it seems the Mets have started to take the gloves off and play the way we are used to seeing them.