go down the drainってどんな意味?使い方は?【イディオム】


イディオム/go down the drain(無駄になる/水の泡になる)

今日ご紹介するイディオムは「go down the drain


「go down the drain」の使い方や成り立ちを例文を交えながらご紹介していきます!

「Go Down the Drain」の意味



「Go Down the Drain」の起源

このフレーズは、「down the pan」「go down the tubes」などのイギリス英語のフレーズに類似しています。


「Go Down the Drain」の使い方・例文



John dropped out of university halfway through his 4th year. He never went back and all his hard work went down the drain.


We invested heavily in the company just before it went bankrupt. All that money down the drain. I can’t believe it!


No way. It’s going to rain on Friday, all that preparation for the cherry blossom party has just gone right down the drain.


All of our hard work last year is going to go down the drain if we don’t increase our sales soon.


「Go Down the Drain」と類似しているイディオム

「go down the drain」に似たイディオムがいくつかありますので、ご紹介します。

・go down the pan
・go to waste
・go down the tubes


go down the pan

Jim won the lottery last year but now he is broke! All his money went down the pan on gambling.(ジムは昨年宝くじに当選しましたが、今は無一文です!彼のお金はすべてギャンブルで無駄になりました。)

go to waste

Sally had such amazing musical talent when she was younger but in her early twenties she made some bad lifestyle choices and all that talent went to waste.


go down the tubes

The deadline for my thesis is next week and my professor won’t extend it. If I’m not careful all the work I put into this will go down the tubes.



今日は「go down the drain」というイディオムについてご紹介しました。


類似しているイディオムとして「go down the pan」「go to waste」「go down the tubes」があります。


[English version]


This expression means that something has been wasted and is no longer recoverable. We use it with nouns such as when we waste or lose all our money, or for more abstract concepts like wasted time or effort. 


This phrase is connected to a number of British English phrases such as go down the pan and go down the tubes. It refers to waste being flushed down a toilet or disappearing down the drain of a sink. 

We use this to convey a sense of loss or waste of things like money, time, effort, study, plans, and so on. 


  • “John dropped out of university halfway through his 4th year. He never went back and all his hard work went down the drain.”

  •  “We invested heavily in the company just before it went bankrupt.All that money down the drain. I can’t believe it!”

  • “No way. It’s going to rain on Friday, all that preparation for the cherry blossom party has just gone right down the drain.”

  • “All of our hard work last year is going to go down the drain if we don’t increase our sales soon.”

Similar expressions

#go down the pan
Jim won the lottery last year but now he is broke! All his money went down the pan on gambling. 

#go down the tubes
Sally had such amazing musical talent when she was younger but in her early twenties she made some bad lifestyle choices and all that talent went to waste. 

#go to waste
The deadline for my thesis is next week and my professor won’t extend it. If I’m not careful all the work I put into this will go down the tubes.