ケンジントン英会話 西新校 - 初心者が確実に伸びる

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「Shake things up」の意味 - 変化をとりいれる、大改造する【日常英会話】

Shake things up」 とは、物事を大きく変えること、たいていの場合かなり速くと言う意味で、ポジティブな表現です。

A new teacher just arrived in our school, and she’s really shaking things up.


[English version]

“Shake things up” = to change things a lot, usually quite quickly. It’s a positive meaning.

“A new teacher just arrived in our school, and she’s really shaking things up.” From this sentence, I get the sense that everything was always the same in the school for a long time, without much change. Maybe everyone had a routine and it was a little boring. The new teacher maybe has new ideas, new habits and is making big, positive changes to perhaps her class and the teaching style. From this expression, I get the idea that things are starting to really improve and people are really happy she has joined the school. Maybe it has a lot of benefits for the students too!