英語の発音をよくするコツ - 子音でスパッと発音を終わらせる



例えば、日本語の「かな」はほとんどが「あ、い、う、え、お」 の音と、その派生に基づいています。


英語には、子音で終わる言葉がたくさんあります(dog, hot, get, got など)。

そこで、私のアドバイスは、その音を引っ張りすぎないこと (dogu, hoto, getu, goto のように)




[English version]

The difference in phonetics between languages, especially Japanese and English, makes

pronunciation of second languages hard. But if we’re aware of those differences then it can

help us work on them. For example, Japanese kana is mostly based off of あ、い、う、え、

お sounds, and their derivatives. But english has a much wider range of sounds.

In English, we have a lot of words that end with consonants (dog, hot, get, got etc), so my

advice to students is to try not to drag those words out too much(dogu, hoto, getu, goto etc),

and end them more sharply.

I would also advise students to not stress too much about those more finer details, you can

still sound natural and communicate effectively without sounding exactly like a native.
