ケンジントン英会話 西新校 - 初心者が確実に伸びる

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【講師ブログ - Jaimie】スコットランドのスラング




Aye-  Yes  (はい)

Dinnae- Don’t  (〜しないで)  

Canny- Can’t  (〜できない)

Blootered/ Steamin -drunk  (ひどく酔っぱらった)

Piece - Sandwich  (サンドウィッチ)

Tattie-Potato  (じゃがいも)

Neeps- Turnips  (かぶ)

Ken-Know  (知る)

Greet-Cry  (泣く)

Dreich- Cold Wet Weather  (寒くて湿った天気)

Drookit- Soaking wet  (びしょ濡れ) 






[English version]

Hello again! 

Last time I told you about the town I grew up in and the Gaelic language, today I’d like to introduce you to some Scottish slang. The Scots have a very strong accent and also use a lot of slang that people from England have a bit of trouble understanding. My father is from near London and when I was visiting my grandparents in the summer holidays he sometimes had to help my gran and grandad understand what I was saying!

Here are some slang words and phrases we use.

Aye-  Yes

Dinnae- Don’t

Canny- Can’t

Blootered/ Steamin -drunk

Piece - Sandwich


Neeps- Turnips



Dreich- Cold Wet Weather

Drookit- Soaking wet. 

The list is completely endless to be honest so you can see why my grandparents had a bit of trouble understanding me. Scotland is only a small country, but the slang changes quite a bit from town to town and so does the accent. 

I have lived overseas for the best part of 20 years now so my accent has almost disappeared unfortunately.I had to tone it down for teaching English otherwise I’d never have lasted long in a job. When I go back home my friends always make fun of me and sometimes even get more than a little annoyed because I sound nothing like a Scot nowadays.
