みなさん、こんにちは!そして、happy new year!
今年は新年の抱負を立てません。 なぜなら、どうせ失敗するからです。
Work hard, play hard
そこで、今年の私の最大の目標(少なくとも家庭での目標)は、「Work hard, play hard (よく学び、よく遊べ)」の精神を子どもたちに浸透させることです。
つまり、スクリーンタイムは「当たり前の権利」ではなく、「ご褒美」である ということを理解させたいのです。
Stick to Your Guns
もしこの表現を聞いたことがなければ、「決めたことを最後まで貫く」 という意味です。
タイトルは「Our Friends (私たちの友だち)」。
New Year's Resolutions
Hello everyone and a very happy new year to all of you!
Last year was our 10th anniversary and thanks to all of you we had a great year at Kensington and hope to have an even better one this year too. After the long slump we had during the Covid period, business finally picked up again last year and that gave us room to start making all the improvements to the school we had wanted. There will be more coming this year too so I’ll keep you posted!
For the time being, it is new year and as always I think it is time for me to make some resolutions.(for my kids)
Origin of New Year’s Resolutions
It seems that new year’s resolutions are by no means a modern invention. Going back as far as 4000 years ago people made resolutions in the month of March to honour their kings, gods, and repay debts to friends and neighbours. The idea of new year’s resolutions has in one way or another continued since then through ancient Rome and in the middle ages with a similar idea of pledging loyalty to a king or god but in more recent times, it is all about self improvement.
Unrealistic Expectations
Since I am now in the 47th year of my exciting life, I have come to know myself pretty well and will not be making any resolutions this year because they are doomed to fail. I know what I need to do, lose weight, drink less, eat better, and all the rest but I feel like I fail at those every year so I’ll just try and cut down, shape up a bit, and stay away from the pub instead. I don’t have any resolutions, so I have unilaterally made some for my lucky kids.
Work Hard Play Hard
This has kind of been my motto for a long time but my kids seem to have skipped the work part and that is not entirely their fault I think. There are simply too many distractions for them nowadays. If they aren’t on the phone, they are watching youtube, if not then on the tablet, and if all else fails, they will sneak out the old pc to get their screen-time fix.
My main aim for this year (in my personal life anyway) is to instill the “Work hard, play hard” mantra in them. In short, I want them to understand that screen time should be a reward rather than the god given right they seem to think it is now. In fact, I’ve already begun and within a couple of days, after the initial withdrawal symptoms have worn off, they are back to their usual happy, fun, energetic, character and it is a joy to behold.
Stick to Your Guns
If you have never heard this expression before, it simply means to continue what you are doing and never give up. In the past, my experiments in reducing the kids screen time have failed miserably, mostly because I didn’t stick to my guns. There is always a reason for them to need their phone, or some new upload that they simply have to watch on youtube, but this year I am not going to cave. It is my mission to have them completely detoxed by the end of March and the work hard play hard mantra to be fully engraved by the end of the year! This is much easier said than done of course because I can’t keep a constant eye on them. I will do my best though so wish me luck!
Just to show you what kind of emotional pressure I am up against, please refer to the enclosed picture titled “Our Friends” that my daughter drew last time I confiscated all their devices (complete with tear drops on the paper)